Law Books

Form Books | Causes of Action
Don't reinvent the wheel

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This publication by West is an excellent, and relatively unknown, form book. It provides a wealth of information on various litigation topics.




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The index to Causes of Action is a softbound volume. This may be the only weakness to the publication, because the key to accessing information in any resource is the quality of the index. When compared to other indexes, such as Am.Jur POF or Trials, the index to Causes of Action is thin. But once a researcher locates relevant information, the material provided is definitely worth the effort!





The main volumes attempt to guide the litigation team through the process of successfully litigating a cause of action. The volumes provide commentary, research sources, illustrations, sample complaints and answers, and examples of discovery documents for almost every cause covered.

Along with Am.Jur. Proof of Facts, this litigation aid will separate you from the average researcher.



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-Causes of Action are updated by pocket part.

-Form books are not generally cited in briefs or memos. However, Causes of Action is considered secondary authority.