Law Books

Form Books | Am. Jur. Trials
Don't reinvent the wheel


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About Form Books

Am. Jur Pleading & Practice Forms

Am. Jur. Proof of Facts

Am. Jur Trials

Am. Jur. Legal Forms

West's Federal Forms

Bender's Discovery Forms

Causes of Action

Fletcher Corporate

Nichol's Cyclopedia

Moore's Federal Forms


Am. Jur. Trials is usually found with the other form books, and is distinctive due to its black and aqua color.

Trials is different from other form books, in that it attempts to walk the researcher through a model trial. This helps the litigation team anticipate the dynamics of the trial, and both substantive and procedural matters that may arise.


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As with most forms of secondary authority, the index to Trials is found at the end of the set. The index will provide the researcher with a volume and page number. For instance, if the index leads you to "53; 548, 556," this indicates you should locate volume 53, and turn to pages 548 and 556 for relevant information.
















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The main volumes are hard bound. Pleading and Practice Forms are an excellent source of examples for various legal documents.

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In addition, as you can see, Pleading and Practice forms also lead the researcher to other research sources, broadening the scope of his or her research.

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MORE . . .

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-Form books are updated by pocket part.

-Form books are not generally cited in briefs or memos. Trials is, however, considered secondary authority.