Law Books

Form Books | Bender's Discovery Forms
Don't reinvent the wheel

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Quite simply, Bender's does great forms!

Bender's Forms of Discovery are a loose-leaf publication by Mathew Bender, now owned by Lexis Publishing. They are some of the most useful forms you will find.




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Loose-leaf services have one draw back: the index may be difficult to locate or use. That is because the nature of a loose-leaf is such that the individual pages change, being replaced by more current pages.

In Bender's, it is important to look at the spines of the volumes, searching for the ones that have the word "index" on the cover. For instance, there are several volumes that provide interrogatories, and this is indicated on the spines of those volumes. The very last Interrogatory volume also indicates that it has an index. Thus, the researcher who is trying to create questions for interrogatories, interview questions, or depositions will want to research using that index.





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The information in the loose-leaf volumes is arranged by subject matter alphabetically. The index provides a topic and number, such as "Emotional Distress 4." This means the researcher should look for the topic of Emotional Distress, and turn to number 4 for relevant forms.



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-Loose-leaf services are updated by new pages which replace old pages. The old pages are then discarded.

-Form books are not generally cited in briefs or memos. They are, however, considered secondary authority.