Chapter 6 - Law Office Ethics & Etiquette


Ethical Issues for Discussion

  • Segment ProgressBar
  • Examples of office politics - included in the audio lecture


    Read these scenarios in the manual, then if you have questions, discuss with your instructor.

    Lecture Notes . . .

    Office Politics and Sexual Harassment

    A couple of extra notes regarding the paralegal profession.

    Office Politics
    One of the quickest ways for a paralegal to be considered part of the staff, instead of as a professional, is for the Paralegal to engage in "office politics." Gossip, rumor, and innuendo are remarkably corrosive to an office environment. You won't typically see lawyer's hanging around the water cooler, talking about who worked late with who the night before. Such gossip inevitably leads to hurt feelings, or even open hostility. Attorneys hate dealing with those issues. If you engage in office politics, even just listening to it, it will eventually come back to bite you!

    Sexual Harassment
    Sexual harassment is a problem in the workplace. You do not have to put up with a hostile work environment, but do not overreact to some situations. First of all, if a lawyer asks you out for a date, or even makes a pass at you, that is not, in and of itself, harassment. However, if you make it clear you are not interested, and the advances continue, or comments are made, you should start making a record in a journal regarding each comment as soon as you can. You should keep contemporaneous notes. Of course it is helpful if some of the comments or actions occur in the presence of others. Even if they don't, consider seeing an attorney.