Chapter 6 - Law Office Ethics & Etiquette


How do the ABA Rules Apply to Paralegals?

  • Segment ProgressBar
  • Cartoon of attorney asking a doctor, Lately I've been feeling ethical, so can you prescribe something for that?


    You may sense there is concern regarding ABA involvement in the paralegal profession. Don't misunderstand. Our goal is to point out that the ABA is a chartered organization established to protect the interests of attorneys. Not paralegals. It is their job. In order to be truly protected, paralegals should control their own future. Paralegals simply need to be aware of this when making decisions about the future of the profession.

    Lecture Notes . . .

    The ABA can only punish attorneys who are members of its bar association. It has no authority to punish any paralegal. However, it can refer a matter to a district attorney if it deems that a violation of a state statute against unauthorized practice of law has taken place.