Chapter 6 - Law Office Ethics & Etiquette


Legal Advice

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  • Cartoon of husband sayint to wife, Sorry, dear, but upon advice from my attorney, I decline to give you an opinion on your Creamed Tarrogon Flounder.


    A former judge, who now teaches paralegals, said that ethics is more a matter of common sense and simple right and wrong than it is about rules. As a paralegal, if something seems wrong, stop and consider it. Talk to your supervising attorney or another paralegal. But at the end of the day, you have to live with your decision. Don't do something you would ever hesitate to admit to.

    Lecture Notes . . .

    Legal Advice
    Paralegals may not give legal advice. Any exceptions that are mentioned are just that: Exceptions. Legal advice means providing guidance as to a legal matter, or interpreting a law directly for a client. A paralegal may, however, provide non-legal advice!