Substantive Law Study Support


Chapter 1 -
Short Essays

Research the following in your textbook. It is suggested that you prepare short one or two paragraph responses to the issues presented. These are designed to increase your knowledge of the material being studied, but you are not required to submit your responses. These essays are for your own benefit. By being able to create short essays about these topics, the material will become part of your knowledge-base and will help you better understand and utilize the skills being presented to you.


It is recommended that you create a collection of all the short essay questions and your responses. They will serve you well when studying for the final exam.


(Click here for an example of a short essay response.)



  1. Identify and explain the discovery tools available under the federal rules of civil procedure.
  2. Explain the concept of Big Data.
  3. How does a large ESI data population impact the litigation strategy? Explain and provide examples.