Chapter 11 - The Desperate Researcher


Interactive Study | Legal Treatises

  • Segment ProgressBar
  • Example of legal treatise


    Treatises are very powerful. We know you are running on fumes now, but do yourself a favor. Take these exercises to heart! Especially Restatements. There are thousands of possible treatises. Some are a single volume, some are barely more than pamphlets, some are a few volumes, and some are dozens of volumes in length. But none is held in higher regard than Restatements.

    Restatements, as one attorney put it, are the closest thing to law without being law. They are written by a private publisher (A.L.I.), and thus are secondary authority.

    Restatements are well written, highly respected sets of treatises on multiple areas of law.

    CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD A TIME SHEET that automatically adds up your billable hours. You should keep track of any research or writing you perform on behalf of your client, including training exercises and assignments in this program.

    Law Library Lab . . .

    We recommend that you use the Law Library Lab for Restatements, a form of legal treatise, both before starting the law library exercises and after you have completed the exercises (for review). You can always revisit the Labs.

    CLICK HERE for the Restatements Lab (Flash Required)

    CLICK HERE for the Restatements Lab (Non-Flash)