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The Separate Brief
Segment ProgressBar

An example of the separate brief is provided in the manual. Observe that the content of these separate documents is basically identical to the content within the combined documents.

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Time Sheets
You are required to keep track of your billable hours when working on legal research and writing assignments and to turn them in with your written assignments. Click on the examples of Time Sheets below to zoom in and compare. Yours should look like the Good example.
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD A TIME SHEET that automatically adds up your billable hours. You should keep track of any research or writing you perform on behalf of your client, including training exercises and assignments in this program.

Legal Writing Lab
It is recommended that you use the Legal Writing Labs when you are creating your documents. The Labs allow you to work on the written assignment online while receiving both text-based and audio guidance for every step of the process. JUST CLICK HERE!