Where You Have Been

The average student spends
in importance for exam preparation
Your Very Own Client

The scenarios presented in this section of the manual are mostly based on actual cases.
Paralegal Perspective . . .
As a paralegal, you do not get to choose your clients. However, in your manual you will be provided with several potential clients. Pick one, realizing this client will stay with you for the remainder of the course. Almost all of your research and writing assignments will be based upon that client. Resist the temptation of switching clients. Even if you have some difficulty, stay with your original client. After all, you won't be able to just give up on your real clients once you're a paralegal!
Lecture Notes . . .Just a couple of notes about the assignment of clients. Be flexible Give yourself a break! ViewPoint . . .The Client: Duties of the Attorney and Paralegal | Alternate Link |