Substantive Law Study Support

Real Estate and Property Law

Chapter 1 -
Applying What You Have Learned


1.         Go online and find a local house for sale. What can you learn about the home from the Internet listing? What is the sale price? How many square feet is the house? Are the sellers offering any incentives to prospective buyers? Does the home come with a warranty?

Answer: Answers will vary according to what students locate in their areas. Warranties are becoming more fashionable, especially in larger cities, so it is possible that many students will discover offerings with warranties available for major systems in the house, such as air-conditioning, septic, electric and plumbing.



2          Locate Web sites that explain how and why the real estate market in the United States, and other countries, has suffered so severely in recent years.

Answer: this answer will depend on the sites that the students visit. There is a consensus that the Great Recession was occasioned by an overabundance of confidence in the real estate market and that prices would continually improve over time. That was only one part of the Great Recession but it is an excellent way to spur in-class discussion.