Substantive Law Study Support

Real Estate and Property Law

Chapter 1 -
Discussion Questions


1.         Log on to or some other real estate site and identify properties by the following categories:

Light industrial
Heavy industrial

What features separate these listings? How are they alike? How are they different?

Answer: Answers will vary according to what students find online in their area.



2.         We know that real property law has its own rules, regulations, statutes and history. Why has real property law always been dealt with differently than other types of property? Explain your answer.

Answer: There are several possible answers to this question. One is that for many centuries wealth was measured in the amount of land that a person owned (or controlled). Another is that land is inherently different than other types of property because it fixed and immovable and therefore proving ownership by mere possession was a practical impossibility. Different rules had to be developed so that people could prove that they owned land -- or that their heirs were entitled to possession of land.