Chapter 6 - Litigation Documents


The Complaint: Establishing the Claims

  • Segment ProgressBar
  • Image of part of a Complaint


    Your attorney is responsible for determining what claims may arise from the given facts. You, as a paralegal, will not be required to identify causes of action. But it is a good exercise in legal logic. So try your best to determine what claims apply to your client. In the end, you may ask your instructor to confirm the claims you will include in your complaint.

    Paralegal Perspective . . .

    Just a reminder: Claims for Relief and Causes of Action are the same thing. Every complaint must have at least one valid Claim for Relief, but most have more. Try to come up with two or three for your client, but even if you just have one, that will be sufficient.

    The Assignment . . .

    You are required to prepare a summons and complaint based on your client's legal matter. The Legal Writing Labs should help make the drafting process more productive.

    Be sure to keep track of your billable hours using a time sheet, and turn your time sheet in with the assignment.