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Preparing Exhibits for Trial
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This section discusses the most common method of evidence preparation for trials. Most courts will use a similar system.
Lecture Notes . . .
Your law firm will most likely have a favorite vendor or office supply store to obtain evidence stickers from, but if not, a simple Google search for "law office legal supplies (evidence stickers)" along with the name of your city and state should provide results.
The most important thing to remember in evidence preparation is that you never staple, punch holes in, or alter in any way original evidence. Also, the court always gets the original.
There are multiple types of labels. Some that stick out from the side or on the bottom, or colored ones like the labels below. In this set, one color (say yellow) would be for all court originals, another color (for example, blue) would be for the plaintiff's copies, and the other color (red) would be for the defendant's copies. If you are worried that the sticker should not be placed on the originals because, as you have learned, you aren't supposed to alter an original document in any way, that is a great thought. But don't worry. These sticky labels are not permanent.
Ask if your firm or lawyer has a preferred type of expandable. If they don't, visit the office supply store and choose one that allows you to be the most organized.