Chapter 3 - The Foundations of Legal Writing


The Unified Theory of Legal Writing

  • Segment ProgressBar
  • Image of written assignment being graded.


    Take this section of the manual to heart. You don't have to recreate the wheel. Use existing authority (forms, templates, examples) to create new documents.

    For this class, make sure you utilize the Legal Writing Labs. They will make your life a whole lot easier, and will help you develop your writing skills more efficiently, and effectively. The Writing Labs may be used for all writing assignments. Just select the Writing Labs link in the top menu.

    Lecture Notes . . .

    You will see us refer to this concept throughout the program. Use templates, forms, form books, online forms, examples from your attorney, or even examples you find using Google searches! The point is, let previously created documents do the work for you.

    CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD A TIME SHEET that automatically adds up your billable hours. You should keep track of any research or writing you perform on behalf of your client, including training exercises and assignments in this program.