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Looking for a Job: The Phone System
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Note: Once again, this part of the book may be reviewed more thoroughly later in the program when you are about to graduate.Lecture Notes . . .
Here is an amazing figure: Over 80 percent of law office openings are never advertised. Lawyers tend to fill positions by word of mouth or networking channels. Thus the problem becomes, "How do I find out about an opening if the positions are not usually advertised?" The answer is: The telephone, or cell phone.It may seem a bit old fashioned to just engage in "cold-calls" to law firms in this day of online job posting, but that is one of the reasons why it often succeeds. Not many people try it anymore.
First, visit the Website www.martindale.com and search for attorneys within your state county. Try to get 5 or 10 per day, keeping track of the firms you call so that you do not repeat contacts.
When you call, ask for the office manager, and if you are successful keep the conversation brief. Your goal is not to get the job at this point, just the interview. Simply make 3 or 4 points quickly, such as:
"Hello. My name is Jane Doe. I just graduated from a paralegal program (specify your school) and am really excited to get started. I was told that your firm might be looking for a paralegal and was wondering if I could send you my resume, or even schedule an interview."
If the answer is yes, thank them and send the resume right away. If the answer is no, or not at this time, say, "I'm sorry if I was in error. May I send you a resume to keep on file? I already have your address."
If you try this system, you need to try doing it every day for at least a month.
And most importantly, be positive and polite!