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Law Books: Secondary and Non-Authority
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This section concentrates on secondary and non-authority sources. These books not only lead to primary authority, they also educate the researcher as to the area of law being researched. This is a very important and valuable feature, especially regarding secondary sources.
Lecture Notes . . .
Study these pages very thoroughly. These materials make up 95% of law library resources. After studying this Glossary, you will have several exercises to provide you with thorough training in the most important research materials in the law library and online research sources.
If you want a bit of extra work, after studying the glossary, try to find examples of each one in the law library. This would be kind of an extended scavenger hunt. But trust me, it would be worth the effort, both in the law library and online.
It will benefit you in the long run!

Glossary of Law Books (With Graphics)