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in importance for exam preparation
Segment D
Volume 2, Chapters 4 - 6
Segment ProgressBar

Segment D is about litigation. Specifically, using research and writing skills in support of the representative process within litigation. Students will be expected to create several documents during this Segment, including pleadings and discovery documents.
While templates are provided for you within this website, you may also want to start using the law library skills you are starting to develop in order to locate forms. Remember, as a paralegal (or even as a lawyer) the use of previously existing forms makes your life easier, the work more efficient for the client, and the final product generally of higher quality.
Form books such as Am. Jur. Proof of Facts, Modern Legal Forms, and Bender's Discovery Forms are great resources.
The objectives for Segment D are as follows:
• To be able to identify and draft pleadings
• To be able to identify and draft discovery documents
• To be able to summarize a deposition transcript
• To understand the differences between mandatory and persuasive authority
• To be able to create a valid citation from an actual case
• To be able to utilize law library and online research tools to create litigation documents
• To develop a foundation in E-Discovery, including its process, relevant terminology, and an appreciation for the checklists provided in the manual

Students are to prepare the following: Summons and Complaint - Interrogatories - Request for Admissions - Request for Production of Documents - Deposition Summary
While there are several assignments for this Segment, individually they are not lengthy tasks. However, do not wait until the last minute. Instead, attempt to complete one of the written assignments each day. The work will be much less stressful if you do!