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State Cases: Short Form
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Short form is more and more popular with attorneys, but Bluebook form states that long form should be used if parallel cites exist. Once you master state citation long and short forms, you will find most other citations relatively simple.
Some states either never published or have stopped publishing the official publication for their states. For instance, Colorado stopped publishing official reports in 1981. This means that any case published after 1981 will have only the unofficial cite.
Smith v. Jones, 535 P.2d 570 (1996)
But this is not an appropriate cite. The problem is that we can no longer tell what court decided the case by the abbreviation. We must therefore tell the reader in parenthesis.
Smith v. Jones, 535 P.2d 570 (Colo. 1996)

The Structure of Short Form State Citations

Citation Labs
Be sure to use the Citation Labs as you progress through this chapter. Just click the Labs link at the top of the page. The first Citation Lab you might want to visit is the State Short Form Citation Lab. Just click here.
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