Chapter 1.1
Main Page
ViewPoint: Introduction to Authority
Exercise: Introduction to Authority
Chapter 1.2
Main Page
Chapter 1.3
Main Page
Chapter 1.4
Main Page
Chapter 1.5
Main Page
Example: A Case from a Reporter
Chapter 1.6
Main Page
Chapter 1.7
Main Page
Example: A Statute
Chapter 2.1
Main Page
Chapter 2.2
Main Page
Chapter 2.3
Main Page
Exercise: Cartwheeling
Chapter 2.4
Main Page
Chapter 2.5
Main Page
Chapter 2.6
Main Page
Chapter 2.7
Main Page
Chapter 2.8
Main Page
Demonstration: Introductory Tour of Am. Jur. 2d
ViewPoint: How to Read Enlyclopedias
Chapter 2.9
Main Page
Demonstration: Introductory Tour of C.J.S.
ViewPoint: Compare Am. Jur. 2d & C.J.S.
Chapter 2.10
Main Page
Chapter 3.1
Main Page
Chapter 3.2
Main Page
Exercise: Legal Writing
Chapter 3.3
Main Page
Chapter 3.4
Main Page
Chapter 3.5
Main Page
Exercise: Analyzing Statutes
Chapter 3.6
Main Page
Demonstration: Legal Analysis
Main Page
Quizlet: Introduction to Legal Research
Quizlet: American Jurisprudence
Quizlet: Corpus Juris Secundum
Quizlet: Kinds of Authority
Quizlet: Is it Law?