Accessing Online Sites: The Search Query
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The key to any online research system is search query formulation. This section of the manual teaches the basics of query formulation. Study it well. It will make your work in the upcoming exercises and assignments much easier to assimilate.
It is best to learn Lexis and Westlaw progressively as you continue through the program. Don't feel like you need to be an expert your first time online.
Paralegal Persepctive . . .
Both of these research systems are excellent. But don't fall into the trap of thinking you don't need to know 'hard-copy' research, as well.
First of all, being a good law library researcher will make you a more effective online researcher. Second, there will be times when you can't research online, or when you want to do some research on your own without using up online time. Third, there are some things that simply aren't found online. And fourth, maybe most importantly, electronic research takes the researcher straight from the issue to the law. When conducting law library research, the paralegal utilizes secondary sources that educate the researcher as to the legal issue involved. For instance, if you are researching the issue of spousal communications privilege, the online sources will certainly take you to the relevant cases and statutes. But had you researched in the law library, the secondary sources would have informed you of the evolution of the privilege, why it exists, what circumstances invalidate an otherwise valid privilege. In other words, you would have received a 'mini law school education' on the subject being researched.
When utilizing indexes for research, you must be familiar with and use the signals provided by the index. The natural inclination when a beginning researcher sees things such as "see Witness this index" is to assume she or he is being given the runaround. But an experienced researcher knows that a signal is good news. It is saying, "you're getting warmer, but go here instead."
So law library research is even more important for a paralegal than it is for an attorney.
Lecture Notes . . .
Westlaw and Lexis
As you are now aware, Westlaw and Lexis are the major computerized research sources. They are actually quite easy to use. Both rely mostly on the concept of query formulation, which is what these pages are about.
Other online research sites are Juris, LoisLaw, and VersusLaw. However, these sites are only used by a fraction of the number of law firms that subscribe to Westlaw and Lexis.
Some online research sites are very expensive (especially Westlaw and Lexis). So create your queries before you go online, and get on and off-line in a very timely manner!
In addition to the training you will receive in this program, Westlaw and Lexis offer online training for our students. Just login and search for Paralegal Training.
Most of those viewing this site will be provided with a Westlaw and/or Lexis account. Use the pages in this Chapter to become familiar with the layout of these powerful research sources!
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