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Looking for a Job: Networking
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Note: As with the previous section, this part of the book may be reviewed more thoroughly later in the program when you are about to graduate.Lecture Notes . . .
Networking can involve:-fellow students
-friends in the legal field (attorneys; paralegals; secretaries...)
-acquaintances in organizations (church; book clubs; bowling leagues...)
While we tend to think of networking as being inclusive to the field being sought, that is not always the case. Many networking opportunities involve sources outside the profession that lead to sources inside the profession.
Scour your memory. Ask your friends. Ask your acquaintances. Do they know anyone in law firms or corporate legal departments? A friend of a friend? An old boyfriend, or girlfriend?
Remember: When networking you are not always looking for a job from that person. You are most likely looking for an opportunity. A sense of what "doors" to knock on.