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Career Options
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There are more career opportunities now than ever and all indications are that this trend of growth will continue.Take a look at these areas of work. Keep in mind that one fantastic aspect of the paralegal profession is you can transition throughout your career, if you so choose. Don't feel like you have to decide on an area of emphasis and you will then be stuck. You are setting yourself up for a career full of choice and opportunity, both now and later.
Lecture Notes . . .
The employment opportunities for paralegals provided in this section is just a partial list, believe it or not. It is also one of the reasons for the growth and optimistic outlook for the profession. This section of the book discusses the advantages and disadvantages of large and small firms, as well as presenting highlights of many of the areas in which paralegals are employed.If there is an area in which you are specifically interested, you may want to revisit the client choices to see if any fit your interests.
ViewPoint . . .
The Many Career Options for a Paralegal | Alternate Link