
Combined Test Prep A

Multiple Response
Identify one or more choices that best complete the statement or answer the question.


Which of the following statements is accurate?
Affirmative Defenses (if there are any) are usually provided with the Answer
A Counterclaim is basically the defendant’s Complaint against the plaintiff
A Summons is a pleading
Interrogatories are a pleading


When pinpointing a citation, if there are parallel cites,
only pinpoint the official
only pinpoint the unofficial
pinpoint all parallel cites
pinpoint no parallel cites


Authority from a higher court within the same jurisdiction is usually referred to as:


If your attorney is arguing a case in your state’s trial court, and you find a valid, relevant case that is from the appellate court in your state, that case would be:


When citing a case from a reporter (whether online or in a law library), if the case title at the top of the reporter page is in all-caps, the paralegal should:
change the all-cap format to standard upper and lower case (first letter only in caps)
leave the title in all-caps for that citation
change the title to all lower-case
consult with your attorney to ask his or her preference


Which of the following is a form book?
Am. Jur. Pleading & Practice Forms
Proof of Facts
The Federal Reporter


Which of the following statements is accurate?
A Complaint is always accompanied by a Subpoena
A Reply is a pleading
Depositions are a part of discovery
Failure to respond to discovery may result in sanctions


Which of the following statements is true?
When researching form books in the law library, start your research in the index
When researching form books online, first select a database and then enter your search query
Form books are not typically published online
Form books are considered primary authority


Which of the following statements is accurate?
A paralegal should save almost all documents he or she creates in a form book or form bank
When creating legal documents, always start from scratch
A paralegal should ask the attorney for previously created examples of documents
A paralegal should not be afraid to ask other paralegals for forms or templates


When citing a case from a reporter (whether online or in a law library), if the reporter places the unofficial citation prior to the official citation in its recommended citation at the top of the page, the paralegal should:
leave it the way it is
remove the unofficial citation
change the citation so the official is first
remove the official citation


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