University of Denver
Paralegal Studies

As an enrolled student in the University of Denver Paralegal Studies Program, you can be confident that you will receive the training, education, and skill development that one would expect from such a fine institution.

Then, upon receiving your University of Denver Paralegal Certificate, you can be assured that your accomplishment will be recognized by law firms, businesses, government agencies, and other employers throughout the country.

Website Statistics

This website is frequently updated with the most up-to-date information on the Paralegal Profession. Below are some of the most recent statistics for this site.

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Online Study Hours Recommended

How to Study for this Program

Read the Textbook

First, read the assigned chapters in the textbook for the course you are studying

Step 1
Step 2

Use This Website

This website correlates with your textbooks. After reading a chapter, navigate to the corresponding pages in this website to reinforce the material you have read.

Class Lecture

Now when you attend class, you will be fully prepared to hone your skills in the areas being taught.

Step 3

Just In Case You Were Wondering

A Few FAQs

Am I required to use the Study Support provided in this website?
Yes. This is a Hybrid, or Blended, educational experience. You are expected to utilize the support provided on the website in order to enhance your training.
What is a "Hybrid" or "Blended" csourse?
A "Hybrid" or "Blended" course utilizes online training to enhance the classroom experience. Thus, both the classroom and online material is required.
What happens if I miss a class?
While not advisable, we understand that life sometimes "gets in the way." If you are forced to miss a class, consult with your instructor, then use this website, including lecture notes, to study the material covered in your missed session.
Should I wait until I graduate to apply for a job?
Not necessarily. In fact, we encourage students to begin looking for employment opportunities even while still in the program. You will receive messages from your administrators regarding job openings. Don't be afraid to apply.