
The goal of this study support site is to provide students with a self-paced educational experience while still supplying information and feedback that would have been provided in a live classroom experience. In order to facilitate these goals, the content for this study support site, including responses, answers, comments, and other material, has been provided by:


Joanne Banker Hames
Yvonne Ekern


Cengage Publishing Company

In addition, students may be provided with additional links, recommendations, commentary, and information to encourage a broad spectrum of engagement.



Material contained on web pages linked to within this site do not necessarily reflect the views of the authors of this website, the publisher of the textbook, or the authors of the textbook.

Also, Internet links are fickle things! They can be altered by the author of the linked page without warning. The page can be taken down or replaced. Any number of problems may arise. The authors of this website considered not including links to external websites in this study support, but the value of the information and references far outweighed the inconvenience of a few problem links. Having said that, we constantly attempt to identify and update links that "take a wrong turn," so to speak. If you find a link that does not function properly, please try the following:

    1. Using the title or description of the link, try conducting a Google or Bing search for that information. This will usually be successful.

    2. CLICK HERE to let us know about the issue.